
My Top 3 Tea Moments of 2021

As much as I love tea, it’s a bit hard for me to summarise an entire year in tea because I mostly write tea reviews and I don’t really keep track of my favourite teas like I do for books. Instead, I’ll just talk about three things that stood out this year:

First, and most significantly, I passed the Japanese Tea Instructor course!! I passed it early this year, in March, and I would really love to be able to take the Japanese Tea Instructor test one day – I’ll probably have to revise everything, but it’s a challenge for the future. Personally, I was surprised that I didn’t write a blogpost (that I could find) about this – instead, it seems like I made videos:

Second, my teacups! I’m long overdue for another teacup update, but I wrote two picture-heavy posts about them at the start of this year (post one, post two). I was pretty good after that, but I think I’ve bought 4 teacups since arriving in France, so perhaps I’ll do a post just before I go back to Singapore.

Third, and most recently, I started a series on sustainable and ethical tea! I’ve always been somewhat interested in the topic, but going to a school that places an emphasis on sustainability spurred me to do something a bit more concrete. So I’ve started reaching out to farms and brands that I think are making ethical and sustainable tea a cornerstone of their business to find out what exactly they are doing. I’m hoping that this series can serve to highlight the benefits of sustainably produced tea and be a resource for people who want to want to support such businesses. I’ve written 4 profiles so far and I’ve got another 2 that are almost ready to be published in 2022 (and I’m looking for more!). You can follow this series at this page on my blog.

So these are the top three things about my year in tea that I loved! What about you? Were there any tea-moments that stood out this year?

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