
Mental Health Monday: The Pandemic is for the Long Term, When can I act Normal?

Disclaimer: in Singapore, the number of cases diagnosed daily has dropped since our lockdown/Circuit Breaker. Things are slowly opening up and I am writing the post in the context of a society that’s in pandemic mode but also trying to find its way back to normal. If you’re living somewhere where COVID cases are still… Read More Mental Health Monday: The Pandemic is for the Long Term, When can I act Normal?


Mental Health Monday #3: Book Review – How to Be Single and Happy by Jennifer Taitz

It’s interesting how book discoveries are made. I started off by looking at one of the books recommended by the NLB – How to Be Alone – stumbled across this book, and ended up borrowing it instead. And I have absolutely no regrets because this was a helpful book that *surprise* is more than what… Read More Mental Health Monday #3: Book Review – How to Be Single and Happy by Jennifer Taitz


Lies My Brain Tells Me

So one thing my counsellor pointed out early this year was that I have the tendency to create certain false narratives. I’ll believe things about myself that, when examined, aren’t really based in reality. Now that I know about this, I’ve been ‘catching’ my thoughts and trying to stop myself. But my brain still fights… Read More Lies My Brain Tells Me