
Mental Health Monday #1: Burnout, Anxiety, and other links

This is the start of an irregular series where, on Mondays, I’ll be posting about mental health. It might be an update or something that I’ve learnt, it might be a collection of links that resonated with me, or it might be a book review. I’ve been talking about mental health on and off for the past few years, and now that I’m not going for counselling regularly, I want to be more conscious about keeping up good mental health habits.

From @SitWithWhit

Sit With Whit is the first therapist that I’ve followed on Instagram and it’s because her posts always feel very timely. Three that spoke to me recently:

I’ve always struggled with sharing more personal things because I didn’t want people to think I was sharing for attention. Reading this, I’m reassured that I’m sharing authenticity rather than for performative reasons.

Another good post as I consider social media use

On Burnout

It’s been a busy few weekends for me, which means that I haven’t had much downtime. I’ve been having fun but there’s a lingering sense of tiredness that’s been getting harder and harder to shake off. This article from Psychology Today has some good ways to tell if you’re suffering from burnout – I’m not there yet, but I’m definitely going to suffer from burnout if I don’t start taking measures to combat it!

From @FreudandFashion

This is an Instagram account recommended to me by a friend! I really liked her post on the physical signs of anxiety:

If you’ve been feeling tired, anxious, or just a bit low emotionally (no surprise given CORVID-19 and its associated panic), I hope at least one of these posts can help encourage you!

What do you think?