
Two Lemony Teas

I might have mentioned it before, but I’m currently on a tea-buying ban. Unsurprisingly, there are tons of tea that I want to buy so I’ve redoubled my tea drinking efforts. So far, I’ve finished three teas and opened two new ones lying around. One of them was T2’s Lady Esmerelda’s Ultimate Dream Dictionary and the… Read More Two Lemony Teas


Lupicia’s Winter Petit Can Tea Bag Set (冬 プチ缶ティーバッグセット)

It’s Christmas Eve and I’m finally writing my Lupicia Christmas tea post. Unfortunately, while I’m in time for Christmas, this was the 2017 Tea Bag set, which means that I’m a year late for this. But better late then never! (Also, I couldn’t get a hold of the 2018 set because Lupicia no longer operates… Read More Lupicia’s Winter Petit Can Tea Bag Set (冬 プチ缶ティーバッグセット)